Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blood Test For Cancer - AMAS - The New Cancer Test For Early Screening Nips Cancer in the Bud

By Andy Kahn

For a healthy and long life threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases have to be prevented or treated effectively. Risk of developing such diseases can be reduced by taking upstream measures ( i.e.) take corrective action well before the disease strikes.

Cancer is one such life threatening disease. Even if effectively treated it can severely reduce the quality of life and impose severe costs. Periodic testing for cancer has to be done at least once a year for all those who are above 30 years of age. This may seem too early but alarmingly cancer seems to strike young now. Not only cancer the other so called old man's diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Type 2 diabetes (diabetes strike even those in their teens now) seem to strike those in their twenties and thirties increasingly.

Traditional cancer testing includes CAT scan (computerized axial tomography), physical exam, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X rays and biopsies. There are also tests that are designed to detect specific type of cancer like mammography for breast cancer, PAP smear for cervical cancer, bone scans for bone cancer and PSA test for prostate cancer. While the above are conventional tests that detect whether a person has cancer these are of limited use when it comes to taking early upstream prevention steps. There are other tests that help do this.

AMAS test: This stand for Anti Malignin Antibody Scan. Just as our body produces antibodies when it fights against external infections it also produce a type of antibodies when it fights against cancer cells. Anti malignin is the antibody that acts against the inner protein of the cancer cell called malignin. When these antibodies have the upper hand the cancer remains benign or harmless. When these antibodies are not able to kill the cancer cells it becomes malignant form of cancer. The very fact that anti malignin antibody is present in the body indicates that there is a likelihood of some type of cancer formation in due course. Thus by screening for Anti Malignant Antibodies susceptibility to cancer can be determined well in advance and preventive steps taken.

AMAS test is a simple non invasive test which needs only your blood sample. Reliability of AMAS test is as much a 99% and is far less expensive. AMAS can screen for cancer in any location. If you are contemplating any preventive steps against cancer talk to your doctor about AMAS test and get it done. It can save a lot of pain, money and even life.

Cancer Can Be Prevented With Turmeric -Curcumin www.turmeric-cancer.com


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Kahn

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